Welcome to the new website for the Lyon County Sheriff's Office.

For Emergencies Dial 911

Main: (620) 341-3205

425 Mechanic
Emporia, KS 66801

Contact Us

Main Line: (620) 341-3205

Main Fax Number (620) 343-2074

Our Office

Administration: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
except designated holidays
Dispatch: 24/7

425 Mechanic Street
Emporia, KS 66801

Connect With Us

Staff Contacts

Name Direct Line
Sheriff Jeff Cope (620) 341-3404
Undersheriff John Koelsch (620) 341-3404
Patrol Sergeant Chuck Moore (620) 341-3347
Patrol Sergeant Doug Stump (620) 341-3345
Patrol Sergeant Danny Broyles (620) 341-3341
Detective Sergeant Travis Mishler (620) 341-3353
Detention Captain Zachary Shafer (620) 341-3348
Emergency Management Director - Jarrod Fell (620) 341-3210

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