Welcome to the new website for the Lyon County Sheriff's Office.

For Emergencies Dial 911

Main: (620) 341-3205

425 Mechanic
Emporia, KS 66801

Emergency Management

Emergency Management

The Lyon County Emergency Management Office is dedicated to the protection of lives and property in our jurisdiction. Through the coordinated efforts of the the Local Emergency Planning Committee and Community Organizations Active in Disaster, our mission is achieved through the effective orchestration of public and private resources, robust emergency response plan development, seamless implementation of these plans during emergency operations, and a comprehensive program for preparation, training, and education.

Our overall objective is to minimize the impact of emergencies and disasters on our community, through proactive planning, efficient response, and effective recovery mechanisms. Our role not only encompasses responding to emergencies when they occur but also involves ensuring our community is well prepared and resilient in the face of potential threats.

Lyon County does not currently have a public shelter. It is the responsibility of each person to have a safe place to go and the items needed in the event of an emergency.

Emergency Resources

Winter Weather Alerts & Updates
Winter Weather Alerts & Updates

If you need to travel #KnowBeforeYouGo & check http://kandrive.org for road conditions, weather alerts & traffic updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it does. In fact, during the 1992 Gulf War, Israeli citizens used Shelter in Place techniques to protect themselves against the threat of chemical weapons carried by Sadam Hussein’s SCUD missiles. Shelter in Place techniques are also effective because they are easily and quickly accomplished. In a matter of moments, you can be safe inside your pre-selected room should a chemical emergency occur in your area.

If you hear the Shelter in Place instruction on the radio or T.V., or if you hear a siren sound for an extended period of time, go inside and turn on your radio to find out what you should do. If you smell a strong or unusual odor and you don’t know where it is coming from, go inside and begin Shelter in Place procedures while listening to the radio for more information.

In some cases, evacuation is the better thing to do. However, evacuation could increase your chances of being exposed to airborne chemical hazards. Evacuation is also more time-consuming, especially with our limited road systems. Local emergency authorities will make the decision to evacuate or Shelter in Place.

While it is only natural to want to get your child from school in the event of an emergency, attempting to do so during a chemical emergency could just make matters worse. You and your child could experience exposure to a much greater chemical hazard while traveling to or from school. Local schools are developing Shelter in Place procedures. These are designed to ensure that your child is safe at school during a chemical emergency. As a parent, you should talk with school officials and gain as much understanding of these Shelter in Place procedures as possible.

Go inside immediately and close all windows and doors. Turn off ventilation systems such as air conditioners, furnaces, and fireplace dampers. Go into and seal a room using duct tape or wet cloths. Your room should also contain a Shelter in Place Emergency Kit.

Gather a change of clothing, baby needs, medicine and any dietary needs. Keep vehicle vents and windows closed and do not use air conditioner or heater.

A 60-yard roll of duct tape for sealing the doors and windows of your pre-selected sheltering room. Enough plastic sheeting to cover windows, vents, and other miscellaneous openings to the outside. As well as a towel for sealing the bottom of the door. Make sure you have enough water for wetting down the towel. A battery-powered radio and flashlight with spare batteries for both. A few gallons of fresh water and some non-perishable food items such as snack bars and candy. A First Aid Kit, infant supplies, and any prescription medicines that may be needed while Sheltering in Place. Sheltering in Place will be easier for everyone with a diversion to help pass the time. Some games or books will help to pass the time.

Find appropriate shelter. Move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If in a mobile home, a vehicle, or outdoors, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Monitor the TV, AM/FM Radio, and or the internet for weather updates and situational information. Avoid driving. When a tornado warning is issued, it is not safe to be in a vehicle. Prepare, prepare, prepare. People should identify the best place to shelter well before severe weather is in the forecast

Watches and warnings are alerts issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) when severe weather threatens. A watch means that there is the potential for severe weather, but it is not currently happening or imminent. Use Situational Awareness and have multiple ways to monitor the weather. A warning means that severe weather is occurring or imminent, and people should take immediate action, seek shelter, and follow severe weather plans.