Welcome to the new website for the Lyon County Sheriff's Office.

For Emergencies Dial 911

Main: (620) 341-3205

425 Mechanic
Emporia, KS 66801

Local Emergency Planning Committee

Section 324 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, also known as SARA Title III (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, PL99-499) requires public notice at least once annually informing the public of the means to access information about extremely hazardous substances that are manufactured, stored, and used within their community. Follow-up emergency notices may subsequently be issued.

Accordingly, information concerning LEPC meetings, SARA Title III hazardous materials planning which is included in our Lyon County Emergency Operations Response Plan, materials safety data sheets (MSDS), hazardous chemical inventory forms, listing extremely hazardous substances manufactured, stored, or used within Lyon County can be obtained during normal business hours by contacting Jarrod Fell or Nichole Schlesener at 620-341-3205.

Local Emergency Planning Committee Documents

8/20/2024 – By-Laws LEPC ByLaws_Updated_8.20.24.pdf
7/17/2024 – Agenda LEPC Agenda_07.17.24.pdf
7/17/2024 – Minutes LEPC Minutes_7.18.24_FINAL.pdf
1/11/2024 – Agenda LEPC Agenda_01.11.24.pdf
1/11/2024 – Minutes LEPC Minutes_1.11.24_Final.pdf
10/12/2023 – Minutes LEPC Minutes_10.12.23.pdf
8/15/2023 – Agenda LEPC Agenda_10.12.23.pdf
7/13/2023 – Agenda LEPC Agenda_7.13.23.pdf
7/13/2023 – Minutes LEPC Minutes_7.13.23.pdf
4/13/2023 – Agenda LEPC-Agenda_4.13.23.pdf
4/13/2023 – Minutes LEPC Minutes_4.13.23.pdf
1/12/2023 – Minutes LEPC-Minutes_1.12.23.pdf
1/12/2023 – Agenda LEPC-Agenda-01.12.2023.pdf
1/20/2022 – Member List 2022-2023-LEPC-Member-list-with-Categories-from-January-20-2022-Meeting.pdf