Find resources and contact information for county offices in the Lyon County area. All links open in a new window for your convenience. If you have a question contact the Lyon County Sheriff's Office.
CARFAX Accident Reports | If wish to obtain a copy of an accident report. Please have the case number and name of persons involved. |
Concealed Carry Information | Attorney General Derek Schmidt offers the following information to help Kansans and visitors better follow Kansas concealed carry law. |
Family Watchdog | |
KanDrive Traffic Map of Kansas | A Kansas map that shows road condition and construction/detour information (KanRoad) |
Kansas Department of Transportation | Kansas 511 and road condition information page |
Kansas Division of Emergency Management | The Adjutant General’s Department synchronizes multi-agency assets utilizing integrated planning; coordinates local, state, and federal resources; and provides equipped, trained, and ready Army and Air Forces, rapid emergency management response, and cohesive homeland security capability to protect life and property in our state, and protect national interests from both Kansas and abroad. | - Offenders | Sex, Violent, and Drug Offender Information for the State of Kansas |
Lyon County Sheriff's Office Pre-Employment Application | Download the pre-employment application. |
Lyon County Website | County website for Lyon county area residents for news and updates. |
National Terrorism Advisory System | This page contains current NTAS advisories (both Alerts and Bulletins), archived copies of expired advisories, and additional information on the NTAS system. |
National Weather Service | Check out the current weather conditions at Emporia Municipal Airport (KEMP) |
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