The Lyon County Sheriff's Office expects employees to be professional. One way we promote professionalism is through training.
New deputies attend a 14-week basic law enforcement school at the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC), Hutchinson, KS. They also complete 90 days with a Field Training Officer. This time allows the deputy to learn the geography, people, crime areas and traffic trends. It also gives the deputy time to expand on the skills learned at the academy in a real world environment.
Deputies are required by law to attend forty hours of inservice training per year to maintain their Law Enforcement Certification. There are specialty schools offered around the country dealing with technical topics like Child Abuse Interviewing and Investigations, Evidence Evaluation and Processing, Firearms Instruction, Advanced Accident Investigation, Drug Investigations, Homicide Investigation and Advanced Interview and Interrogation that are for one or two weeks in duration.
We host an assortment of one or two-day training opportunities locally on topics of interest to our officers and to those officers from surrounding jurisdictions. We also host the SHERIFF'S SPRING TRAINING which is our annual, 3-day training seminar for officers and draws attendees from around the state.
Our corrections officers are required to attend the Kansas Jail Association's 40-hour Basic Jail Academy and complete 90 days of on-the-job training, working 30 days on all three shifts prior to regular assignment. The corrections officers attend training seminars in the state when we can find them close, and we try to host several local training opportunities a year that are of interest to the corrections staff.
We host a Reserve Deputy training program which is based on the State Part-Time Law Enforcement Officer's training curriculum from KLETC. This program is what we require for any volunteer deputies. The classes are held every Thursday evening for four hours with a couple of weekend classes thrown in over the period of several months.
We have training seminars for our animal control operation dealing with requirements for handling pets during disasters and handling animal cruelty investigations.
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