Welcome to the new website for the Lyon County Sheriff's Office.

For Emergencies Dial 911

Main: (620) 341-3205

425 Mechanic
Emporia, KS 66801

Sheriff Tax and Mortgage Foreclosure Sales

Lyon County Sheriff Sales

The Lyon County Sheriff's Office conducts sales of real estate and other items under court order. Mortgage foreclosure sales are conducted 10:00 am Monday-Friday as scheduled, in the front lobby of the Lyon County Courthouse, 430 Commercial St., Emporia, Ks. Delinquent tax sales are advertised 30 days in advance of the date of the sale.

The Sheriff's Office does not have keys to any of the above listed real estate and does not have access in any manner to the inside of any of the above listed real estate. The sheriff's office cannot and will not authorize any entry into any of the homes as some of the homes that are being sold are being lived in at the time we must respect the owners privacy.

To prevent the sale of a property, it is the plaintiff's responsibility to submit any notice of recall to the sheriff's office prior to the date of the scheduled sale.

Foreclosed property sales take place, as needed to meet the legal requirements at the Lyon County Sheriff's Office. This schedule may be altered due to legal holidays or severe weather. Any auctions postponed will take place on the first business day that follows. Persons are encouraged to check back on a regular basis for changes and recalls.

Please refer to the dates listed below for the specific date of the sale.

Unless otherwise posted, all sales are conducted at 10 a.m. on the date of the sale at the Lyon County Courthouse. Recalled sales will not be sold.

The following Sheriff Sales provides an extensive list for reference. Prior to bidding ensure you have reviewed the bidder guidelines. If you have a question about Sheriff Sales, contact Jill Cook at jmcook@lyoncounty.org or (620) 341-3205.